sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

TBR Intervention Challenge (11)

 TBR Intervention Challenge es una idea deApril@ Books4Juliet Dani@ Refracted light, y Ayanami@ Whatever you can still betray

El objetivo de este desafio es ayudar a nuestros amigos lectores o compañeros blogeros a administrar la enorme lista de "Libros a leer" (TBR list).

Aqui estan las reglas de este desafio:
1.Pubicar algo sobre el libro que te comprometiste a leer en tu ultima intervencion de este desafio.
2.Publicar algo sobre un libro que quieres leer y que ya posees. Elige uno que tenga mucho tiempo en tu estante (6 meses o mas), y comprometete a leerlo en el siguiente par de dias o semanas.
3.Toma en boton de enlace de TBR Intervention Challenge y colocalo en la parte lateral de tu blog, asi mantendras el recordatorio de este desafio.
4.Añadir el enlace a su blog en la Linky a continuación y asegúrese de visitar los blogs de otros. Comentar, estimular y difundir el amor a nuestros amigos lectores.

Mi desafio anterior.
Cold kiss, Amy Garvey.
I haven't finished this book, but I think I'll do it this afternoon. For now, I can say it's really good, a pretty different zombie story.
The caracters and the plot is really good. I think It could be a 5 stars books, but it depends on the ending.
I also said I had to finish Shadowland by Alyson Noel, and I finally did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought.
No lo he terminado aun, pero me esta gustando muchisimo, es realmente bueno y muy diferente de los libros que he leido hasta el momento.
Tambien dije que finalmente terminaria de leer Shadowland y lo hice, lo que fue bueno porque despues de todo, no es tan aburrido como habia pensado.

My next TBR Intervention.
La resistencia, Laura Gallego
Last week I commited to read this book, but I wasn't able, so this week, I'll try to read it.
It's on my shelf since 2010.

Quiero leer este libro porque comence a leer las primeras paginas hace mucho tiempo pero nunca pude terminarlo.

Summary (translation).
The day that came in Idhún the astral conjunction of three suns and three moons, the Necromancer Ashran seized power on this planet. In our world, a warrior and a mage exciles from Idhún have formed the Resistance to which also belong Jack and Victoria, two teens  born on Earth. The group's goal is to end the reign of the winged serpents, but Kirtash, a young and ruthless murderer, sent to Earth by Ashran is not going allow it.

Merry Christmas to all of you! Hope you enjoy this day with your family and friends.
God bless you!!!

2 POV's:

  1. Hi Lis! I'm back! Well, since yesterday... but I was so sick and I couldn't get on the internet... I was in bed until this morning. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and I hope you feel better already. I'm glad that you were able to read Cold Kiss. This is on my TBR too but no copy yet. By this time, I think you already finished the book. =) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lis! I missed you and love you too! XOXO!

  2. Oh, April! I wish you are feeling better now. I was lost a little too.
    Love ya!


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